The use of computer

 As a result of modern inventions and the advancement of technology computers have become an essential item in the fast moving world. Its modern technology has minimised the long hours of printing and calculations as well as finding information from any part of the global.

            The marvelous instrument has brought  by world together through its internet facility. In short It helped the world to become a global village. There's nothing that you cannot do using computer. Things have become so easy in the world of communication.

                   The computer can provide you any information with regard to the fields of education, medical or evenv literature. It saves time and unnecessary trouble in walking into libraries in turning over the pages of various books. 

          As in anything, using computers can also bring about disadvantages. Since the computer was introduced less people were employed in critical fields. It also prevents the humans from thinking, analysing and solving problems on their own. It reduce the creative power of humans. The computer can correct even spelling error. This presents The child from learning a language accurately. 
